Linda & Rick
20th Anniversary of Clary Lake Bed and Breakfast
B&B NewsRick and Linda are happy to celebrate their 20th year owning and operating Clary Lake Bed and Breakfast. It has been a pleasure to see our business grow and getting to know so many wonderful people and families along the way. At first we were not sure how many people would want to come to […]
New Additions-Breakfast Room and Porch
B&B NewsClary Lake Bed and Breakfast Accepting All Guests
B&B NewsWelcome to 2022! We’re open to all guests including from all countries. The mask conditions have been lifted and now we can see your faces. We’re having a brisk reservation period and so if you are planning to travel to Mid Coast Maine it would be wise to make your reservations quickly. All traditional Maine […]
COVID19 and Summer/Fall Reservations
B&B NewsWe’re OPEN for Business! Clary Lake Bed and Breakfast is having brisk business, so if you are planning to travel you might consider making reservations now. We are able to accept visitors from Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut without 14 day quarantine in Maine. Guests from other states will need to […]
2018 Season
B&B NewsAs you can see the snow is still on the ground here at Clary Lake Bed and Breakfast. We just had a big snow, 10″, yesterday. We’re getting reservation calls daily for this year. It will be spring, summer, and fall before we blink an eye. If you are considering coming to Maine and the […]
Ice Sail Boating in Maine
B&B NewsICE SAIL BOATING: Great Winter Fun: Brisk, Beautify, and Breezy! Come see use and enjoy participating or viewing a great sport in Maine. Winter is a beautiful time to visit.

New Snow
B&B NewsNew Snow in Maine! We wish you all a beautiful Holiday Season!
Spring is Everywhere in Maine
B&B NewsApple Trees are blooming, Spring is everywhere! Blue skies, warm air, green of many shades, gardens growing, so many signs of Maine’s beauty. We hope you will think of a visit to Maine. We are taking reservations and we welcome you to Mid-coast Maine where you will find Maine’s beauty surrounding you in your travels […]
See the Crocus!
B&B NewsThe Crocus remind us that Spring is Here! We have been taking reservations by phone and email. If you have plans to visit Maine, now is the time to check your dates and make your reservations. We will look forward to meeting you or welcoming you back. Always, Linda and Rick